Wednesday 17 December 2014

Not Feeling the Christmas Spirit? This Post Will Get You Feeling Festive

This year I feel like Christmas is flying by! The lead up to the big day is my fav <3 I love all the lights in town and my house feeling all warm and christmassy and my room smelling like one big Yankee Candle. This year I'm not feeling festive at all.
Probably has something to do with this growing up business, pretending to be a young adult and all that jazz! sad face.
All I can say is thank god I'm not working in retail this Christmas. woo-hoo.

But your never too old for Christmas!
I've made a list of crap I love to do, and I need to do this year to get the Christmas juices flowing. Mmm juices, now i'm thinking of Christmas dinner lol.

Go buy a Christmas jumper.
They're warm and Christmassy and if wearing a bright red jumper with a Rudolph Pug with a giant bobble nose doesn't get you in the spirit I don't know what will.

Go Ice-skating
I don't know about you but I always forget how to ice-skate! I'll be flying along like a pro after half an hour on falling around and clinging for dear life to the barriers, but without a doubt every year the first time I get back on the ice I'm like Bambi.
But its great craic and something different to do with friends.

Listening to Christmas FM
Defo something I love doing, especially in work!
Makes it that little bit easier to get through the day. Ya'll feel my pain? haha
I love that Santa Claus got stuck in my chimney song, awhh so many memories.

 Buying cute wrapping paper and attempting to wrap presents.
Ok, so I'm no where near a pro, my wrapping skills are awful but its the thought that counts.
I love when I've finished buying all my presents for everyone and I sit down on the floor in my room (sad I know, but my room is a box room, its tiny) playing Christmas songs and putting my wrapping skills to action.
Penneys are by far the best for cute gift bags and paper, just saying.

Coffee at Starbucks
Iv also not had one yet this year, this makes me sad, but there's nothing more Christmassy than sitting in Starbucks with a toffee nut latte in a christmas themed cup.
So cozy! 

Christmas Markets
First time seeing the Christmas markets at Stephens' Green this morning, and they were closed :(
They look so cute though. There about 30 little stalls selling nutella crepes! personalized christmas decs and more! whats not to love.
I really need to go again, this time when its open, i'll be so fat by the time I make it round to all the stalls, oh well. 

Theses are just some of the things I love around Christmas time, I'm going to wrap it up (pun intended) and leave it there.

Hope your feeling more festive
Until Next Time

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