Thursday 30 October 2014

D.I.Y Fashion

The Fabulous Fedora

 So, I stumbled across this fab fedora hat in River Island and it was love at first sight! Until of course, I checked the price tag and seen it was €33/£25! I knew it was going to be one of those things I buy, wear it a couple of times and then it ends up at the back of the wardrobe, so I wasn't looking to spend €€€.
I found the strength to put the hat down (its was the last one left!) and walk out of the shop. I decided to pop in Penneys to see if I could find something similar with a nicer price and I did! GO PENNEYS!
They've really upped their game recently! 
They had a selection of burgundy, camel and black fedoras at €9 each. I picked up the camel and burgundy because I tend to wear black WAAAY to much.
Anyways... my little idea was to find some accessories to make my own fancy fedora like the one in River Island without making my purse hate me lol. 
Now on to the fun part....

I gathered together my materials: scissors, super glue, leopard bow (€1.50 also Penneys) then raided my wardrobe for unwanted accessories and came across a leather chained belt.
I then cut the leather part from the belt and glued the remaining gold piece of chain to the brown trim around the centre of the hat.
To finish it off, I cut the bobbin from the leopard bow, and used the bow to conceal where the two ends of chain met. 

and Wallah....

It took less than 5 minutes to do all this and I got 2 fedoras for €18! I came across a belt I got with a pair of trousers from River Island and decided to try that out with the burgundy hat. (pictured below)

 If you don't want to commit to glueing bits and bobs to your hat you can always just add a chiffon scarf. I just added a burgundy skull scarf to mine.

Hope this helped!
Until Next Time, 

Tuesday 28 October 2014

90'S Lips: Sleek Lip 4 Lipstick Palette

Jenner Lips Alert!!

Ok! Everyone's talking about Kylies lips. Whether she has had them done or not, WE WANT THEM! and with the help of a couple of products I've come across you can get her lips for LESS! 

Since Kylie began posting selfies on Instagram rocking  this AMAZING lip colour every makeup lover out there has been searching for the perfect product to get this 90's inspired lip. With there being SOOO many products out there I've narrowed it down to a hand full of the best products you can choose from to get her exact look .

Kim Kardashian also revealed to Nic from Pixiwoo on YouTube (one of my fav youtubers), which lip product Kylie actually uses to achieve her fab lips. (read on to find out)


I have been using this lip palette from Sleek for almost two months on a daily basis and I cannot recommend it enough! if your looking to jump on the 90's lip trend band wagon or you simply just want a neutral lipstick this is a must! plus you can never go wrong with four lip shades for just €10.99.
As the name suggests the palette consists of 4 GORGEOUS! nude and soft pink lip shades all with  individual names: Tutu, PliĆ©, Swan Lake and Pirouette


The palette is a mixture of matte, gloss and satin finishes. I usually mix up the shades to create my own lip colour.
The colours are really pigmented and the staying power is roughly 4/5 hours until I feel I need to re-apply but that's just me! I could probably get away with leaving it longer until reapplying if I'm honest.
I love love love these lip palettes and I'm definitely going to purchase more next time I'm in Boots (which will more than likely be in the next few days, I have problems!)

This palette along with a darker nude lip liner is all you need to create the Kylie Jenner 90's lip. I recommend using  Mac Whirl, Stripdown, or Spice (Kylie uses Spice) to slightly over line the lips and to fill them in slightly. This will create a base for the sleek lipsticks and help your lips stay perfect for longer!

Head over to my Instagram and follow me there.

Until Next Time,

Blog Post #1

Hello and Welcomes to my blog!

I'm Ciara, a nineteen year old hairdressing student with a slight obsession with anything and EVERYTHING! got to do with makeup, think I chose the wrong the profession, sad face. I am by far not an MUA, just someone who has a lot of love for makeup and it is definitely something I'm going to look into doing professionally. Now a little less about me and on to the bloggy stuff.

I've decided to start up my own blog to share with you my thoughts and opinions on makeup products I purchase, ones I love as well as the ones I hate. This way I might just feel a little less guilty about my impulse buying and maybe help you save some dollars. You never know, you might even find a holy grail product or two along the long the way. I'll apologise in advance for any makeup purchases I influence mwhahaha!

I'll be posting product reviews, comparisons, pictorials, my monthly favs and that sort of thing. A few fashion bits and the odd hair tutorial too.

Now off to start on my first product review, my current fav lip product!

In the meantime you can head over to my Instagram

Bye for now :)