Wednesday, 1 April 2015



I've been watching and learning from other beauty Youtubers for YEARS! and I've always wanted to start up my own channel but didn't for so many different reasons, the main reason being; I didn't know what other people would think.

When I first started watching YT the beauty community was a lot more 'hush hush' then it is now. Now watching makeup tutorials on YT is something everyone and their grannys do. 

Over the past year I've really seen my makeup skills improve and I'm beginning to find my own 'makeup style'. I find myself getting asked a lot about what makeup products I use and friends encouraging me to do makeup professionally, I guess I never thought I was 'good enough', me being the protectionist that I am I hate when things aren't well....PERFECT.

Basically I said to myself ...I need to accept that everything I  do isn't going to be exactly how I want and there's always going to be something I'd like to change or do differently, but at that rate I'd never get shit done!

I'm excited to see where my YT journey takes me and I hope you enjoy my first Youtube video and the rest!
Enjoy <3

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